- is the premier project management + internal communication tool for remote WFH teams worldwide.
- Made the Basecamp Guide to Internal Communication
- Wrote several books
- Basecamp Guide to Internal Communication
- Basecamp replace meetings with the message board
- Drawing isn't like a printer
- Drug dealer model
- Github Projects Navigation V.S. Basecamp
- HEY's ethical, paid design gives it an advantage over Gmail
- Jason Fried
- Meeting Math
- Midterm memory
- Murphy's Sketchbooks
- Newsfeed
- People complaing about Basecamp's Editor are missing the point
- Productivity is a feeling
- Project management is about communication
- Shape Up
- Simplicity freaking matters
- Single Source of Truth
- Slack competitors
- Source--Getting real
- Source--Keep Digging
- Source--Twist Designing to be less stressfull
- Threads instead of Chatrooms
- Zulip
- a visible project
- announcements
- project management tools
- project management
- remote
- writing lasts forever