Drug dealer model

ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y70oX-xS1k4

A video by Jason Fried where he says that "free samples" are very powerful to users. They let you get the full taste of the product (like Great Harvest giving out free slices of bread).

I really like Basecamp's "personal" model, it allows a person to use the app till they just start to outgrow it. It's not a 30 day trial that expires. It lets you take as much time as you need. But it does stick you into a situation where if you're a serious user you'll eventually hit a wall where you either have to delete your data OR just start paying.

This is good because it gets you invested, and if you do it right it won't be sneaky at all. It'll be 100% explicit and you can make the trade-offs.