Source--Keep Digging
One of Ryan Singer's favorite questions:
Q: What was happening that showed you the way you were doing things wasn't working anymore?
For Basecamp it was:
A: “The guys would just come ask for the same information over and over again. And it was taking up time for me. . . . They shouldn’t have to ask me some of these questions. You get asked 20, 30 stupid questions and try to go back to something you have to pay attention to . . . you’re working numbers and money you need to be paying attention to what you’re doing.”
He says:
Aha. Now we’re getting somewhere. She holds all the information. The guys in the field need the information. She needs to give them access to the information so they can look it up themselves. Then she’ll stop getting interrupted and she can focus on her own work.
So perhaps a Zettelkasten could also of filled the same role? Maybe? Or something like Stack Overflow?
Now we further check this assumption:
Q: Was the number of interruptions worse after you hired more people? A: “Oh yeah, absolutely.”