Github Projects Navigation V.S. Basecamp

The image below shows how crazy it is to just get to a Github Projects ticket to talk on it. It's so convoluted that it's unlikely anyone will ever do it.

Github Projects

It takes 6 hops from the Github home screen screens 3 of which are basically completely unrelated pages to Github Projects multiple dead-ends and confusing places to get lost.

Basecamp it takes 3 hops total to get to any todo's details and discussions. 2 to see the todos of any project. 1 to see any project or team. Also the notifications aren't garbage.

Why does this matter? Well because Simplicity freaking matters in project management tools.

Simplicity freaking matters 🔖

When it comes to project management it's crazy important to keep things simple. Why? Because a project management tool's whole point is to help people understand the project and what needs to be done. Or better said the whole point of the tool is to bring clarity and a shared understanding of a project. If a project managment tool confuses people, it hasn't done it's job.

There's also the problem of adoption. If the tool becomes a source of stress, not a source of calm, a source of confusion not a source of clarity, then people won't want to use it and they'll use Slack instead, because at least that's fun.

Human brains can only accept so much information. Avoid overwhelm.

Keywords: modivation, Simplicity, Basecamp, Stress, Confusion, Our brains, intentional thinking Complexity of Basecamp V.S. Github Issues

See also Kanban Cards are a bunch of directions, but you need a MAP.