Basecamp is like a Town

At first this might seem that Basecamp is far more complex because there's a lot more places to to put conversations and to some degree that is true. However, because you're constantly going up and down back and forth through the tree It starts to become like a town that you've lived in for a long time. Unlike Slack, there's so many "signposts" such as Power of a Title of todos and message board posts, and because every project structured this way it's easy to find pretty much any piece of information inside of it, no matter how old it is.

For example you could say, "what project was that a part of?" then go inside that project, then think, "was it announcement or todo?" decide on announcement then scroll through the [[Messy drawer of communication#Why dividing makes a difference|nicely folded titles]] and find exactly what you were looking for.

This also makes it easier to link to whole conversations because things aren't fragmented.

See also: Slack is Newsfeeds, Basecamp is a tree
