
Johnny posted this: https://bloombuilt.slack.com/archives/CQQM3TJ6L/p1600986959002500

Today was a PM day for sure. I just started looking into the watch issue that Paul messaged me about, but before that I was doing a lot of project organization stuff. I’ve noticed the the planning boards have become more like trash receptacles. They have so many issues in them and it is so disorganized, the pretty much 80% of the tickets that are created there will stay there for a long time. I hopped on a call with Spencer and we sorted through the current S2's and defined whether they were really ready for the next sprint or if they should be put in the backlog.
I’m hoping that if we can keep the planning boards cleaner, we can have more effective planning meetings, and we can actually get reported stuff fixed instead of it being lost in an array of bugs. Planning on meeting with Spencer and Justin weekly to do a planning review and making sure things are prioritized and ready for sprint planning on Mondays.