Slack encourages dumping

Often when you find some empty lot some place in the middle of nowhere you'll find a sign that says, "no dumping"

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Basically it goes, one person leaves something somewhere it doesn't belong (an old couch in an empty lot) and then another person thinks, "Ah! This is a spot for random things" and they put theirs there as well. Eventually this becomes a full on dump. This becomes a Tragedy of the commons or a sort of broken window.

Slack Encourages Dumping

Because of Slack's Everything's the Same Design and because channels are a small amount of categories that are infinitely deep it's true that there's no "right" or even good place to store information. As such Slack encourages people to put writing just "anywhere".

You can see it happen in this example: Slack-Unthreaded-thread

There's no "right" place to store information, and because you easily lose information on the treadmill, it creates a culture of people dumping information everywhere. Nobody knows how to organize it, so nobody does. When people aren't sure, they just... dump it anywhere.

This leads to information bleeding.

Tweets related to this:

I much prefer async communication. Synchronous communication leads to sloppiness — many separate small not well thought brain dump style messages which are really hard to process. The burden of understanding lies on the receiver. ref
