Slack is about... slacking

When I was a kid I had to put away my toys. Putting away toys was so boring that I felt that I would die.

So I decided to try mixing playing with it. I would put the toy I wanted to put away onto a toy car and vrrrrroooom it over to the toybox then dump it in, and Repeat!

Oddly, my parents were quite skeptical of this method, and for probably good reason. It was not difficult to go from play putting away toys to just... playing. Often when my parents left me to my own devices nothing would get done even after hours.

Slack is often the same way. When we try to mix playing with work it often ends up we do less of both. This doesn't mean that work should be "no fun", Fun at work is as important as work at work, but we also need to be Reclaming Conversation.

Gage's history #story
