Please don't like this

Applause tells me nothing.

There's a problem of somebody posting deep dives into a topic and nobody would say anything even though they liked it.

On the other side, if you add like buttons it becomes this weird competition of popularity, even worse when you consider that a CEO has more power or influences if he doesn't like your post then because I mean he doesn't like your project is it a competition of popularity do you post things in your work group that you just know people like more cuz it could shoot try to be funny here or to show off but mostly it's really big problem when it comes to this kind of like toxic culture of constantly kind of driving engagement inside of your project try to steal away people's times trying to get them to check it or constantly when reality really trying to make people more productively really just wants up when we interrupt them when something is really pertinent to them.

Also there's the mob mentality

From Basecamp's Rework podcast, which helped do the Basecamp's boost feature.