People complaing about Basecamp's Editor are missing the point

A lot of people complain about the fact that Basecamp's editor doesn't have keybindings. They say:

I can just do things so much faster in Notion!

Even Murphy said this:

though I'll admit I've been trying to use basecamp to track info on my side project and shortcuts for their text editor are sorely lacking I can't even make a header without mousing it all the way up to the toolbar to click the header button I even wrote in to support about it, and they were like "yep" !!?? so I'm way faster at writing notes in Notion. ref

But that's not the point. The point is the editor works perfectly on Mobile, and it isn't perfect but it works well. Basecamp has much bigger fish to fry and existing users just get used to it.

Basecamp is too good to not look past very basic stuff like this.

Builds on: Basecamp's Design
