
URL: https://obsidian.md/

Obsidian is a Electron app that uses plain markdown files to store it's notes.

Every note is a markdown document

Obsidian -- markdown preview

Referencing other notes

You can link to other documents with double square brackets: [[]]. When you view the document in non-markdown mode they become links. If you want to link to a particular header you can do [[Obsidian#gr]] and it will auto-complete:


Plain-text means you don't have to worry about them going out of business

Because it's just plain text files I always own my data, there's no propriety formats. Naturally the trade-off is that my notes are less private.

Embed other documents with ![[

You can reference other documents if you put a ! in front of your link making it easier to compose stuff.

Graph View

You can see all your notes and their connections just like in Roam Research in a Graph View:


Local Graph View

The local graph View allows you to traverse notes that are near you current notes (really a just another way to view Backlinks but in a way that can follow more than one link away).


Plugin system

One of the most powerful things is that Obsidian allows other users to write plugins that completely change the look and feel of the app. For instance there's plugins to randomly take you to a note, or ones that make it so that your notes pile up on the right like Andy's Working Notes.

Quick switcher

This helps you find notes quickly


Audio Recordings

Audio recordings can be done and are saved inline.
