In Zettelkasten all you have to do is link one note
In a normal tagging system you have to link every note diligently or else they are lost in the system. Adding lots of tags is the only way to keep it easy to discover things. Even then these tags often get [[Folders V.S Tagging V.S Graphs V.S. MOCs#Tagging|bloated]].
- Effort? High! Constant dilligent tagging!
- Flexibility? Low, can only view according to tags and individual notes. Probably won't scale and will require you to break out into different more granular tags modifying tons of notes, not something you're going to do.
- Effort? Low! Just one link is needed. Even these can be added later with Unlinked mentions.
- Flexibility? High! You can create MOCs and other such systems at any time to bring more order to the chaos, yet even a single link will help it to never be lost or forgotten.