Basecamp and Github Sync Project

This is a project to use Code Review Live and my Basecamp Elixir Library to sync the two


Github Projects is a Kanban boards with Neverending Sprints. This is bad for team modivation.

Also slack is a huge source of topic fragmentation and lack of context added to Issues where they belong.

I think Basecamp discourages communication fragmentation and encourages documentation which helps us understand stuff.

Measure of Success

If Paul has no idea we're using BC, it's always up to date (because BC naturally makes sure things are up to date).

A final goal is that comments are


  1. Linking Step: Look for all the tasks that aren't linked in the DB and link them
  2. Reactive: When you check off a Basecamp todo then it will drag the card to the right in Basecamp Projects

Rabbit holes

These are a bunch of simplifying decisions that will help people not waste too much time

It's hard to know which of the two sources is more up to date. Ways we can get around this:

It's hard to know that a Github thing is connected to a Basecamp thing. How do we solve this problem?


These are things that we've explicitly fenced of as things we're not going to do.