Youtube -- Introduction to Zettelkasten

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Types of Notes:

  1. Literature Notes
  2. Reference Notes
  3. Permanent Notes



Literature Notes

Basically explain something you just read/watched in your own words. These are collecting ideas. Litteriture Notes

Reference Notes

Basically you just write a summary of the literature notes (like an abstract). Reference Notes

Permanent notes

Next you compile the knowledge you gained into a single "thing".

Pull out "ideas" into another note.



Finding Meaningful Connections:

  1. How does this idea fit into what I already know?
  2. Can this be explained by something else?
  3. What does X mean for Y?

Write in complete sentences.

Finding Keywords

Keywords are essentially "tags" but you should avoid saying, "there does this thing belong" this leads to broad categories like, "Essays" or "Day one", rather you want to use them to say, "In what situation would I want to remember this note?" or "How will I use this idea?" Think, what Topic is this related to?


Adding to "the main box"

  1. File each one behind relevent notes
  2. Add links to relevant notes
  3. Index them for easy discovery (may not be needed)

Fleeting Notes:

Write down things that you don't want to forget that you'll go over.
