Talk on Being a Light for Christ in our day-to-day lives


  1. My biggest regret of my misison

  2. We all live in our safe little cacoons of comfort.

    • Cassinos will provide no curves in their carpet because they never want you to encounter that thought of, "what the heck am I doing?"

    • Nowadays people don't have to encouter any information they aren't already going to agree with.

    1. We never have to be bored enough to get to know anyone anymore.
      1. People used to talk on the bus
    2. Most are living lives of quiet desperation
      • After giong vegan I realized I've been feeling sick for years, yet never realized it. It was just, "normal"!
    3. Satan will try to stop you at the last possible minute
      1. We're not playing a neterual game. If you stop, the default is Satan's plan.
        1. Defaults are very powerful. In interface design it defines what most people will do.
        2. An interface can influence you by what it shows you and even more importantly by what it doesn't show you.
      2. He'll try to convince you it's too weird

      he doctrine is clear: God has given you agency; He wants you to choose for yourself (see [2 Nephi 2:26–27]. Satan wants to destroy your agency (see [Moses 4:3]), ideally without you noticing (see [2 Nephi 28:21]), and bind you to a life of misery (see [2 Nephi 2:27]).

    4. COVID makes this worse than ever.
  3. Missionary work tips

    1. If you do anthing to show others that you're proactively thinking of them, you're ahead of the game.
    2. The people you need to reach out to more are probably in your own family
  4. Let's all stop feeling shame about missionary work and just reach out to somone.

    • In the social sciences, “shame is the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing we are flawed and therefore unworthy of acceptance and belonging.”
    • Guilt is “a sense of remorse and the desire to make amends.”
    • Shame is character-based (“I am a bad person”), whereas guilt is action-based (“I did a bad thing”).
    • Shame leads you to want to shrink, hide, and disappear.
    • Guilt identifies an action that you regret, prompting you to change for the future. ref
    1. Before you can be a missionary you need to learn how to have a real conversation!
    2. Satan LOVES it when you feel guilty about what you haven't done in the past. Jesus is all about the future, about NOW, he's paid for all your sins hasn't he? Guilt is given to us to drive us to be better, not to depress us. Roll forward, not back.