This is a cool app that calls itself a Thought Processor as opposed to a "word processor".
It looks kind of like this:
It's kind of hard to show how it works in just a picture, but basically every paragraph is a "card" thing. They can be nested and nested things can be dragged from place to place.
Turning into a document
Interestingly it makes it easy to turn into a blog post by pushing the page button at the top of a swim lane:
Revise: Rewording a thought non-destructively
Another unique idea is that you can easily make alternatives to a thought by right clicking on a card and clicking the revise button:
Insert at a particular spot
Another Interesting although not unique thing is the ability to insert stuff at a particular spot using dragging:
Sentence Splitting
In Speare you can split a sentence into sub-cards and re-arrange it.