Source--The Power of Keystone Habits with Roam Research

Keystone Habits are habits that you use to make it easier to do other habits because you perform them regularly already and all you have to do is chain a new habit on at the end. A popular example is brushing your teeth in the morning - you do that already, so if you want to remember to take your meds or fish oil or whatever, do it immediately after and it's going to be much easier to stick to it than if you did it randomly.

So, how did Matthew McConaughey teach me about habits? During his media-blitz for his book Greenlights, he appeared on The Tim Ferriss Show and Hot Ones. These two interviews expanded my understanding of him and his work considerably - the Texan accent is still very stereotypically American for my ears, but I learned how much about his work I had been missing out on.
I also learned that one of the most important books in his life was "The Greatest Salesman in the World". He tells the story of how he would leave parties to go home and read it or bring it everywhere. The main conceit of the book is that it takes ten months to read - every chapter is read three times a day, for 30 days, before you advance to the next chapter.

Kind of reminds me what I did reading 7 Habits of Highly effective People

When we hit Alt-Enter, the chapter reference was "sent" to the next day. You can go to it by clicking the little * reference link it left in its place. On that future reference, when you click into it, you see that the ∆ feature looks like {{∆:1+2}} under the hood. What this means is that every time you click the ∆ button, the time interval increases by two days. So first you see it the next day, then three days after, then five, and so on. If you want to see the chapter in regular intervals, like every day, you have to edit this to {{∆:1+0}}. For every two days, you'd do {{∆:2+0}} and so on.

This references Roam Research's Δ feature (spaced repetition)

