Source--Is Your Company's Slack a Question-Ask Black Hole


This article is for a product, but they make some good points that shows they see a lot of the same problems I've found in Slack and Slack's Design.

People are asking questions via chat because they don't know or can't find the information they need

Read: Slack is a black hole of information

Your documented knowledge is out of date, so your reps are doubting if the information is still accurate

This is why Gitlab--Wikis don't scale, and also why there's so many examples ofPeople Crippling Group Chat.

Company knowledge is living inside the heads of your top sales reps and undocumented (what happens when they leave?).

See: Tribal Knowlege

Reps are not searching to see if the question has already been asked in a Slack channel. (because it takes too long and the free version has limitations).

Very good point, the ol' 'easier to ask then find' problem.
