Shape Up (book notes)

Some companies use two-week cycles (aka “sprints”). We learned that two weeks is too short to get anything meaningful done. Worse than that, two-week cycles are extremely costly due to the planning overhead. The amount of work you get out of two weeks isn’t worth the collective hours around the table to “sprint plan” or the opportunity cost of breaking everyone’s momentum to re-group.

Two week cool down

Therefore, after each six-week cycle, we schedule two weeks for cool-down. This is a period with no scheduled work where we can breathe, meet as needed, and consider what to do next.

During cool-down, programmers and designers on project teams are free to work on whatever they want. After working hard to ship their six-week projects, they enjoy having time that’s under their control. They use it to fix bugs, explore new ideas, or try out new technical possibilities.

1 designer and 1-2 developers

Our project teams consist of either one designer and two programmers or one designer and one programmer. They’re joined by a QA person who does integration testing later in the cycle.

How to handle bugs

That said, nobody likes bugs. We still want ways to deal with them. Three strategies have worked for us.

Use cool-down. Ask any programmer if there are things they wish they could go back and fix and they’ll have a list to show you. The cool-down period between cycles gives them time to do exactly that. Six weeks is not long to wait for the majority of bugs, and two weeks every six weeks actually adds up to a lot of time for fixing them.

Bring it to the betting table. If a bug is too big to fix during cool-down, it can compete for resources at the betting table. Suppose a back-end process is slowing the app down and a programmer wants to change it from a synchronous step to an asynchronous job. The programmer can make the case for fixing it and shape the solution in a pitch. Then instead of interrupting other work, the people at the betting table can make a deliberate decision. Time should always be used strategically. There’s a huge difference between delaying other work to fix a bug versus deciding up front that the bug is worth the time to fix.

Schedule a bug smash. Once a year—usually around the holidays—we’ll dedicate a whole cycle to fixing bugs. We call it a “bug smash.” The holidays are a good time for this because it’s hard to get a normal project done when people are traveling or taking time off. The team can self-organize to pick off the most important bugs and solve long-standing issues in the front-end or back-end.

bigger projects

What about projects that just can’t be done in one cycle? In that case we still only bet six weeks at a time. Suppose we envision a feature that takes two cycles to ship. We reduce our risk dramatically by shaping a specific six week target, with something fully built and working at the end of that six weeks. If that goes as expected, we’ll feel good about betting the next six weeks the way we envisioned in our heads. But if it doesn’t, we could define a very different project. Or we could put the multi-cycle thing on pause and do something urgent that came up. The important thing is that we always shape what the end looks like for that cycle and that we keep our options open to change course.

Is this the right time? 

The kind of project we want to do next can depend on which projects we’ve done recently. Maybe it’s been too long since we’ve made a splash of news with a new feature. Or perhaps we’ve been building too many new features and feel overdue to fix some long-standing customer requests. Or if the teams spent the last couple cycles in the same area of the app, their morale may dip if we plan yet another project doing the same kind of work. Those are all reasons that we might pass on a project even though it’s perfectly well shaped and valuable. The project’s great; it’s just not the right time.

Projects not tasks:

Splitting the project into tasks up front is like putting the pitch through a paper shredder. Everybody just gets disconnected pieces. We want the project to stay “whole” through the entire process so we never lose sight of the bigger picture.

when to stop

Instead of comparing up against the ideal, compare down to baseline—the current reality for customers. How do customers solve this problem today, without this feature? What’s the frustrating workaround that this feature eliminates? How much longer should customers put up with something that doesn’t work or wait for a solution because we aren’t sure if design A might be better than design B
