Ryan Singer's Newsletter -- no.1

ref: https://mailchi.mp/feltpresence/newsletter-1

He was talking about a conversation he had where people were arguing that everyone should be involved in deciding what to do next. Ryan was arguing that individual contributors didn't have the mental space or time for that. Then he realized that a more Blue Ocean way of thinking about it

...Supply Side differentiation is well-known. It's when your product is different.

Demand-side differentiation is when the circumstance your product improves is different

Shape Up isn't for all product teams. It's especially for leaders of teams who say to themselves:

To me this felt like a sigh of relief. I'd much rather have the solution for a valuable special case than try and argue about what is right for everyone.

Unfolding the relationship diagram

He shows this Shaping technique showing that Drawing isn't like a printer idea:

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