Quill Chat

Pasted image 20201019153417


A very native version of chat: Pasted image 20201019152445

Takes a lot of the same ideas from Microsoft teams, namely the idea that it tries to encourage people to comment on a thread instead of start a new chat below. I don't think it's New Thread box is quite as effective as Microsoft teams button that turns into a textbox in putting enough friction.

I do find it's different expanded options interesting, although not very opinionated. Pasted image 20201019152812

Soft Titles

If you push Shift+Enter then it will create a title. If you push it again it will turn into a multi line mode that doesn't require you to push Shift+Enter just Enter to send.

This is a noble effort, but I think still is too easy to do stuff.

Screen Recording 2020-10-19 at 03.30.08 PM.gif 🔖

this file hasn't been written, it's a stub

UPDATE: they changed it to be more like Microsoft Team's input box

Screen Shot 2020-12-10 at 7.15.06 AM.png 🔖

this file hasn't been written, it's a stub

Microsoft Team's input box 🔖

Microsoft Teams Design Queues

Microsoft teams understands There's no good way to use Slack threads. It's come up with some awesome design queues to help fix the problems with [[Slack's design of it's input box V.S. Basecamp#Slacks Input box|Slack's input box]].
