Lightning Talk notes:

Write some docs:

There's a ReasonML book! Web Development with ReasonML: Type-Safe, Functional Programming for JavaScript Developers by J. David Eisenberg | The Pragmatic Bookshelf


Cypress bindings!

AWS lambda OCaml. Just staticky linked executable.

Elm-like decoders for ReasonML

Works in native and browser

D.decode_value json;;

D.decode_string "1";;

Polymorphic variant


Allow two libraries to use the same bindings.

Error messages can be crappy.

{. "structually": "string}

ReasonML video course!

Learn ReasonML | Learn ReasonML

Arefs, the full full stack

10k camp 50k reason lines in website 600,000 lines generated

Atdgen (dojo)

ReLearning stuff (teaching co-workers)

- Unit as a last argument is confusing
  - don't do them, so you don't have to pass unit
	- Optional Arguments are great for non-breaking changes

Linked lists V.S. Array

"BuckleScript"? Belt???

Custom Operators

Can be useful for monadic operations

Reason # let (or) (x, y) = switch (x) {
| None => y
| Some(_) as x => x
let ( or ): (option('a), option('a)) => option('a) = <fun>;

Reason # Some("cool") or Some("not cool");
- : option(string) = Some("cool")

Reason # None or Some("not cool");
- : option(string) = Some("not cool")


Works at Stockholm Research Center

Brisk & Revery
