Learning Tachyons

Tachyons is perhaps my favorite library I've ever found. I'm not even joking. Basically Tachyons means that I'm able to almost never write real css again. It just lets me create. It's like a magic paintbrush that 90% of what comes out of it is beautiful. The rest requires a little skill.

However I think a lot of people bounce off of Tachyons at first blush. Perhaps it's the wireframey look of the website (at least near the top) but more likely it's the copious amounts of long strings of abreviated names.

What happened .button?

Well for one thing you don't have to give up "symantic" names entirely. I'm some cases your design is so uniform it makes sense making a global decision about things. However this is rarely the case. Much more often things I'm your app should look cohesive, having the same fonts, colors and similar spacing and size meaning they look like they go together. However, they rarely are exactly the same.

You're kidding yourself if you can specify the margin of anything and never change it. You may think that all the buttons look the same but just take a look around your app and I bet you'll find quite the large amount of variants.