Docker / Docker Swarm / Kubernetes



Docker containers


Layers of changes to a basic container.

layers can be cached.

every command == layer

Order them so the most changed stuff is at the top


bridge network: you have your own internal network that gets translated into a different address when it goes out.

host network: ???

overlay network: Docker Swarm/Kubernetes make them think they are in the same network even if they are in other network.

Docker Compose

http://elasticsearch:9200 <- Looks like this


Docker (can) expose (map) ports. There's a host port. Way to make it look like a host network.


How you get persistent data.

named volumes: way to keep stuff around. (docker gives them a uuid if unnamed)

You can mount a volume from your host machine.

Docker Swarm / Kubernetes

multiple container working together with network, ins and lifecycle


Can mount ebs volumes