Chat is like Renting, Documentation is like Owning

When deciding to Rent V.S. Buy a home it's hard to really know which you should chose. Let's talk about some of the tradeoffs.


At first Renting seems awesome! You're provided with ultimate flexibility! You don't need to go through a complex process to get a loan and sign all the paperwork, you just have to sign a year contract which is far easier. And when it's time to move you can easily just switch houses without having to find a buyer. You're only tied down by your contract and even that is often negotiable.

You also have less responsibility of the home itself broken things will often be fixed by the owner with just a call.

So what's not to love?


Well the hard thing is that renting is trading now for the future, which is usually very bad. It's an instance of 7 Habits of Highly effective People Sure, you may be paying less due to all the housing taxes, repair costs, and other fees BUT You're not making long term investment, all that money is going to the owner, not you. You could be giving up hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years. And when you're house is paid off your payments will be GONE.

Slack is like renting

Slack is kind of like renting in terms of documentation and Asynchronous Communication. It's fast and quick now, but trades the future for the present. When you could have be talking in a way that builds up a information, you're using quick throwaway chats that aren't useful at all to future employees or even future you.

